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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Comp Recap

Well the comp has come and gone. I was feeling pretty strong after training for the last couple of weeks. I was about an hour into the comp and feeling pretty good. I was ready to go send some of the harder stuff. When I aggravated an old finger injury. I did not hear anything pop, but i could not hold onto any holds without a major pain in the joint of my ring finger on my left hand. I am hoping it will set me back just a week or so. Anyways here are some pictures from the comp.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Comp this Weekend

I have been training at the gym for the upcoming season. The first comp is this weekend at Miramont in Fort Collins. The comps at this gym are always a great time. They will be debuting their new wall at this comp, which looks to be an amazing addition to the gym. The first comp of the season is always a good progress check for me on how my training and climbing is moving along.
I am also in the midst of selling my cameras to upgrade to a new SLR that will shoot HD video. I am really psyched to make this switch and start making some awesome new videos. In video news my good friend Matt Lloyd made a video of me climbing at Lincoln Lake. This video has now made it on to Deadpoint Magazine. I am very psyched on having a video on the site but now owe Matt huge for making an awesome video.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lincoln Lake

Photos by Daniel Madson

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lincoln Lake

Last Friday I headed up to Lincoln Lake to check out what all the buzz about this place is. It is pretty interesting that this area was checked out in the past and dismissed as not having much potential. Most of the newer problems are over V10 and there are something like 6 V14's already with many other projects waiting to be sent. We mostly wandered around and were looking for new lines that could be put in the area. I did also manage to flash the Idiot which is a great boulder problem. I did get video of this and will have it up once it gets edited. I also started to work on Small Arms. It took me quite awhile to find it. After finding it, I could not figure out any good beta to make the difficult move to the gaston. I am psyched to get back there and clean some lines and check out some of the established problems I did not have a chance to get on. I will post some photos from the day once I get ahold of them.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Here are a few photos that my friend Danny took of me climbing at Three Sisters. Check out his blog here: